This online page is going to be your guide to walk you through the entire Visa Application process in 3 stages, outlined in the tabs above. Please make sure you save this page to your bookmarks or favourites as you will need to access it regularly.

Please make sure you read each page/tab before beginning and follow each step carefully as it is easy to make mistakes, which can be costly! Remember we are here to help, however all the information you will need to easily walk yourself through the working holiday visa application can be found in this guide so take your time and do it right the first time.

If at any stage you become overwhelmed or you have questions you can contact us at or 1300 295 579.

CHECK YOUR PASSPORT: Please note that you cannot start the visa process until you have a valid passport. If your passport has already expired please renew your passport right away before starting your visa application. You must have minimum 2 years validity let on your passport from the date you enter Canada. So if your passport is due to expire before this time frame, please renew your passport before starting the process.


95% of the questions we get are from people having troubles being able to log into their GCKey account on their website. This is due to the browsing cache and cookies used from the Canadian Visa Website. This is very common and happens to everyone! They regularly make changes and updates to their website, and each time this happens you need to clear your browsing cache to log back in. Otherwise you get sent in circles and sent back to the Immigration home page or you receive an ERROR message.

If this happens to please follow the below steps:

  • Make sure you are using a computer – a phone can have the most trouble so we highly suggest using a computer if you are able to
  • Clear your browsing cache. If you are unsure how to do this, google ‘How to clear browsing cache on GoogleChrome correctly’.
  • We find GoogleChrome the best browser to use. Firefox and Safari tend to have more issues with the visa website
  • It can usually take more than one time to log in – if you have tried the above steps and have the same issues, keep going back to the login page below. It may require you to login 3 or 4 times before you get through to your application
  • GCKEY LogIn Page 
  • If this still keeps happening try using an ‘Incognito Browser’ which is unaffected by cache or cookies. Please see instructions below to do this on a computer:
  • Mac: Press Shift + Command + N
  • Windows/PC: Press Ctrl + Shift + N
  • It may still take you a few goes, so persistence is key!
  • Get in the habit of clearing your cache or using an incognito window everytime you login. 
  • If you still cannot get in – Try again in 24 hours as the website may be down (However it will usually be noted on the log in page if the website is down)
  • If all else fails please reach out to our team!!!

The below is an outline of the steps we will walk you through once you get started. You can refer back to this to keep track of what stage of the application you are up to.

This takes approx 15-20 minutes to complete online. You first step is to use the ‘Order Documents’ tab to correctly order the documents required to submit during the application. You dont have to wait until the documents arrive, as long as you have applied for them you should receive them by the time you need to submit then (dot point 4 below).

Start this immediately once you have a valid passport. It only takes around 15 minutes to complete online and you don't have to have received your documents yet, you can do this whilst you wait for them to arrive.

Invitations to apply are distributed at random and can take anywhere from 24 hours up to 8 weeks so you will need to keep logging in and checking your GCKEY account every day for updates . The processing times get longer the later it gets into the year so it's normal to wait up to 8 weeks. Make sure you have followed the steps in this guide EXACTLY. If you have answered some questions incorrectly you may not get the invitation. 

Once you receive your Invitation to Apply you are given 10 days accept it and to start the application. Once it is accepted you have 20 days to submit the application and pay the $330 Visa Fee.

Once your application is submitted and paid for, you will then receive the Biometrics Instructions Letter into your GCKey account. You must wait for this letter before you are able to book your biometrics appointment.

Once you have your Biometrics Instruction Letter you have 30 days to attend your Biometrics appointment in either Sydney, Melbourne, Perth or Auckland. You can also submit these overseas if you are not in Aus or NZ.

You wont be able to do your biometrics appointment before you have completed all steps above and received the Biometrics Instruction Letter.


Once you attend your appointment, your Biometrics is automatically submitted to your online application. From here, you should receive your approval within 30-60 days of attending your Biometrics appointment. The approval letter (also known as POE letter) will be send to the messages section of your GCKey account. 

Make sure you keep checking the messages section of your GCKey account and let us know if you receive any requests for further documentation. If they are asking you to submit a document again this is usually because the first one was not correct. A common mistake when submitting documents is failing to resign and resubmit your application again after uploading the document. If you are unsure, please ask us, so we can help you complete this correctly.



Once this is received, you have finished the Visa Application process! Congratulations! You now have 12 months to enter Canada. When you enter Canada you will need to show immigration on arrival that you have a minimum of $2,500 savings in your account, and that you have a travel insurance policy for your entire stay in Canada. They will then take your POE Visa Approval letter and put the visa in your passport. The 2 years of your visa will start from the date you enter Canada.

If you delay your trip to Canada at any point just keep this in mind that you MUST enter Canada before the POE Expiry date. If it expires, you need to start the process again and allow another 3-4 months for it to be approved. 



The Working Holiday Club has become the industry leader by providing authentic working holiday experiences to youths across the globe in the most sought after locations/employers.

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